Elena Anosova: Section

The project about women's prisons is a part of a trilogy that is centered around lives of women in closed institutions. The impulse of research of such communities arose in a reflection of my teenage period spent at the closed rehabilitation boarding school. I would like to take a closer...

Alyssa Salomon: Animal Land

Animal Land is a collaborative project between Alyssa C. Salomon, visual artist, and Anne Wright, Director of Environmental Outreach at the Rice Rivers Center, Virginia Commonwealth University’s biological field station. Animal Land unites contemporary art strategies with scientific research, to shine light on wildlife dwelling amongst tamed and untamed habitats...

Haoran Fan: Covered / Uncovered

Covered/Uncovered is a series of embroidered photographs that explores perception and interaction with the natural environment. The foundation prints reference classical landscape photography, which is uncovered. The artist combines pieces of transparency with needle & thread to emphasize the covered. The combination of a two dimensional photograph with three dimensional...

Giovanni Presutti: Hello Dolly!

The overbuilding of the territory is consuming an increasing share of agricultural area. Our suburbs are now clones of the city where shopping malls, multiplexes, industrial buildings, parking lots and social housing follow each other eroding the living space from which we derive our sustenance. In the near future Dolly,...

Alina Desyatnichenko: Baikal of Wonders

The land of Baikal region in Russia has always been sacred for the local indigenous peoples – buryats. After 70 years of stagnation the religious faith of their ancestors began to revive. Shamans are necessary for talking with gods and ancestors. To become a shaman you need to have not...

Vintage NASA Photos of Apollo 11 Training

Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first two humans on the Moon. Mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin, both American, landed the lunar module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC. Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface six hours later on...

Alexandra Serrano: Nesting in the Wolf Tree

“The Forest is a state of Mind.” Gaston Bachelard Nesting in the Wolf Tree is an ongoing photographic series that depicts the forest as a space of the unseen and the mysterious whose immensity engenders admiration, contemplation and fright. The territory I chose to portray is the forest of Fontainebleau,...

Julie de Waroquier: Brave New World

When framing a landscape or a wildlife picture, we avoid electric wires, modern buildings, trash or any unwanted human traces, which are considered as visual parasites. On the contrary, we are looking for a pure nature to depict in our pictures, which would not be transformed by our technology. However,...