Zonia Zena: La Musica en la Muerte

The work presented is a documentation of a tradition in Latin America. Two countries are visually documented, Peru and Mexico. The Day of the Death celebrations take place in November. Says Zonia: I've chose to photograph this celebration because I feel it brings a point of connection from pre columbian...

Alfredo Esparza: Terra Nullius

The name of this work comes from Latin, which in English translates as "nobody's land", a phrase used during European colonization to claim the land "discovered" as its own. Under this legal formula, the original inhabitants were stripped of their territory in order to be distributed among colonizers. In this...

Adel Koleszar: New Routes of Faith

About her project seys Adel: 'New Routes of Faith' is a photographic documentary based on the research of new religious movements which exclusively originated in Mexico. I seek to capture religious practices, devotees as well as their living environments in a personal documentary style. These alternative faiths are adapted to...