Philipp Gallon: An Anthology of Common Conversation

An Anthology of Common Conversation is a series of photographs exploring recent social and political changes in the USA from a queer European perspective. The long-term project depicts America, its people, and their surroundings, and attempts to create a visual archive focusing on subjective experience and individual encounters rather than on documentation.

Says Philipp: Since 2015 I have photographed people and places in 34 US states. So far the series consists of 150 images. The project will continue until 2020 and is going to be published as a series of newsprint photo books, of which the first two issues have just been released.

An Anthology of Common Conversation © Philipp Gallon

Philipp Gallon is a queer Photographer and Visual Artist. His work addresses the themes queer identity and personal geographies. He has published his first photo book at Kehrer Verlag, Germany. His work has been shown in solo and group shows in numerous European countries and is part of private and public collections in Scandinavia and Germany. Since 2015 he has been working on documenting social and political changes in the USA through photography and a number of publications. He currently lives in Stockholm.


An Anthology of Common Conversation © Philipp Gallon
An Anthology of Common Conversation © Philipp Gallon
An Anthology of Common Conversation © Philipp Gallon
An Anthology of Common Conversation © Philipp Gallon
An Anthology of Common Conversation © Philipp Gallon
An Anthology of Common Conversation © Philipp Gallon
An Anthology of Common Conversation © Philipp Gallon
An Anthology of Common Conversation © Philipp Gallon
An Anthology of Common Conversation © Philipp Gallon

