Martin Wieland was born in 1970, studied at the Graphic Arts in Vienna. At the age of 14 he decided to follow in his fathers footsteps to become a professional photographer as well.
Since 1997 specialized in nude and erotic photography. His strength lies in the communication with the model, thus he encourages them to achieve maximum performance with maximum efficiency and getting the optimum results. The atmosphere during the shoot is reflected in his pictures. Photographs of him have already been published in several magazines worldwide.
He is also known as the editor and photographer of the “Black & White” calendar, a sellout every year and a popular collectors item since 2000.

How did you get into photography?
My father had a photography store in my home town in Austria, so I got in touch with photography when i was a little kid. as a teenager i studied photography in Vienna and since then I’m working as a photographer in Austria (or wherever clients book me).
Where do you get your creative inspiration from?
Everything can be inspiring. a place, a light situation, a photo… it’s also depending on my mood, if I find something is inspiring for me or not. i never browse through the internet to be inspired and I try not to copy other pictures one on one. i would even say that I’m inspired sometimes and even don’t know it;-) it’s somewhere hidden in my brain and it only comes out when I need it. hard to explain in English, as I am no native speaker. and I never plan a shooting – everything is flexible and depends on the model and me. That’s easy to say – it was Herb Ritts. and here especially the picture fred with tyres. I saw it in a pub. the waitress had this t-shirt with the picture on it. that was my first contact with a photo from Herb Ritts. I love his style – often nude, but never rude.
What is it about nude photography that interest you the most?
Working with the models, creating the photos i have in mind together with them. it’s not so important for me if they are completely nude, it’s always depending on the situation. sometimes it’s better, if you don’t see anything. I also love it, when the models are laughing, that’s why a friend of mine created a new description for my style: lifestylenudephotography – I think that describes my style quite good.
How do you find the models to work on your projects?
I have different channels where I can find my models. quite important is facebook for me – although it’s not so easy, because facebook doesn’t allow nude pictures. then I’m registered on different model – photographer sites and last but not least models contact me through my website
What first steps would you recommend for people interested in getting started with nude photography?
Start with friends in your area and always start with a dressed model. as long as the model doesn’t feel comfortable in front of the camera, it doesn’t make sense to shoot nudes. when she is relaxed you can slowly start to take lingerie and then semi-nudes. take yourself time. nude photography is a very sensitive part of photography – at least the model is naked in front of your camera – so always keep that in mind.
What do you do besides photography?
I’m working the whole week as a photographer, so there is not a lot of time for hobbies. Sometimes I like to hang out with friends.
What is your favourite photography book?
I’m collecting photography books and have a lot of good ones at home. Maybe it’s “Olga” from Ellen von Unwerth or “Notorious” from Herb Ritts
What are your future plans with photography?
Keep working on my limited calendar ( I’m producing it for 14 years now ), then I’m thinking to print a book ( it’s in my mind for more than two years now, but i think the time has not come yet – maybe within the next two years ), shooting for magazines – no exhibitions planned so far, but who knows…