Says Gokce: In Egg yolk series, I wanted to play with figures, textures, and shapes freely in a way that I could sort of mislead the viewer’s perception. I used my still-life photographer reflexes with food photography. This “Egg Yolk” series of mine is a result of this. Egg yolk as an organic object is vibrant with its color. Normally the viewer expects the egg yolk to be in related places. In the series I played with this perception. I placed egg yolks as my main subject in unexpected areas.

Gokce Erenmemisoglu, was born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1974. He has a MFA degree in Photography. As a photographer, many of his commercial work have received prestigious awards in international advertising competitions as Epica, Golden Drum, Cannes Lions, NY Fest. His work also has been awarded several times by local advertising competitions such as Kirmizi and Crystal Apple. He also has been chosen to be in the grand jury of Crystal Apple advertising competition, in 2011 and in 2015. Gokce’s photography has been published in many books and with “Net:425 gr” by Gamze Bursa he won “The best photography award” in Gourmand competition in PARIS in 2008.