Walking through my city in a street (Guaicurus), it exist since the city was established, called “zone” of prostitution, I began to wonder: How are these women? How lead their lives? What are your wishes? I decided to go into their rooms and photographing they naked. Nakedness reveals much, exposure of your body directly faces, traumas, fears, desires … The sessions were intense and they talked for many over common things in our lives: children, bills, loves, fears and choices.
The experience was incredibly strong. Theirs personality is very present in the images, which I was careful to photograph them the way in which most felt comfortable and poses that they themselves have chosen. The work involves the female universe and its uniqueness: and no matter if we are in those hotel rooms, working in schools, grocery stores, driving a bus, if we are on the streets. We think, fight, work (usually more than many men) to live or survive, and the minimum we require off the other people, is respect our existence, our desires, our bodies and our choices.
Carolina Nascimento Valadares Santana – graduate in Visual Arts: University of Minas Gerais – Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The shaft of his research is create using different images, pickup devices, sounds and texts invention. Causing tensions or fictions with the narrative, the delirium, daily life, politics, the experience of others and yours.
Website: lugaresimpossiveis.tumblr.com