Diane Kirkland: Georgia Landscapes in Black and White

Take a look at our selection of Diane Kirkland photographic works presenting beautiful and mysterious landscapes of Geogria state. In her role as the senior photographer with Georgia Department of Economic Development for twenty five years, Diane Kirkland gained valuable experience in handling photography for advertising campaigns, publications and websites. She...

Ondrej Pakan: Water-Covered Insects

Ondrej Pakan captures stunning macro photos of insects covered in drops of water. Says Ondrej: Microkosmos - It`s another world, which can be seen under our feet. We can discover a world of small monsters. Each fly, bee and spider is a perfect predator or a warring victim in this empire. It`s always...

Heinz Maier: High Speed Liquid

Germany based artist Heinz Maier is involved in photography from the end of 2010. From that time he was developing technique of high speed liquid photography. Take a look at gallery that shows extraordinary effects of his work. Via artist Flickr

Levi van Veluw: Landscape Self-Portraits

This four-piece series reinterprets the traditional landscape painting. Plots of land, clusters of trees and babbling brooks are removed from their intimate two-dimensional format and transposed onto the three-dimensional contours of the artist’s own face. A fresh and surreal twist is given to romantic landscape painting’s obsession of recreating the...

Joey L.: Omo Valley

While Ethiopia's sky-heavy terrain leaves its residents engulfed by a jungle of impressions, myths and searing truths, their daily existence remains tinged with sociopolitical issues, a sense of spirituality, and an undeniable nearness to the animal world. Joey L. is a Canadian commercial photographer, director and published author based in...

Matthieu Gafsou: Swiss Alps in Summertime

Matthieu Gafsou focused on Swiss Alps in summertime, continuing the representation of nature work which was started centuries ago, the Grand Tour, Friedrich, Turner… But some characters appear on the pictures, disturbing contemplation: there is 10 people around on the top, and even more at the high altitude restaurant. Matthieu...

Greer Muldowney: Hong Kong

Greer Muldowney is an artist, photography professor and independent curator based in Boston, Massachusetts. She received an undergraduate degree in Political Science and Studio Art from Clark University, and an MFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design. She has acted as the Curator for the Desotorow Gallery in...