Vincent Fournier: Space Project

Vincent Fournier was born in 1970 and lives in Paris. After graduating with a sociology degree and a Masters in Visual Arts, he obtained a diploma from the National School of Photography in Arles in 1997.

Observe stars, travel in the space, build new worlds, make the alive or reprogram it, see beyond the visible … The work of Vincent Fournier proposes a journey in some of the most representative utopias of the XX and XXI ème century.

“Space Project” is reflecting my fascination for space age through an archive of the most significant space complexes from all over the world : the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center of the Star City in Russia, the Baikonour Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the Space centers of the NASA in Cape Canaveral in the United States or Ariane Espace in Guiana, the stars observatories in the Atacama desert in Chile, in New Mexico or in the Nevada, the Mars Desert Research Station of Martian simulation in the red desert of Utah… My images are composed and I voluntarily mixed a historic and documentary vision of the spatial adventure with staged situations fed by the cinema and my childhood memories. Thus, these mythical places of the space exploration become film sets where Jacques Tati would meet with Jules verne or Stanley Kubrick.


Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier
Space Project © Vincent Fournier

