Ulrike Hannemann: The Palace – Then and Now

The Independence Palace in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam was designed by Ngô Viết Thụ as a synthesis of classical and modern Vietnamese architecture and completed in 1966. The building then served as the home and office of the President of the Republic of South Vietnam until 1975, when it...

Andrea Di Biagio: Save the Mekong

The Mekong is the most important river of the south eastern Asia. The river rises in Tibet and pass through China, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. With his 4.300 km lenght is the biggest freshwater fish reserve in the world. International River is a Ngo working hard for rivers’ protection...

Danny Bach: Kinh Wave – The Introduction

Sa Pa town (Lao Cai province) is one of Vietnam's most popular tourist destinations. Its majority inhabitants are from ethnic groups such as Hmong, Red Yao, Tay, Giay, Xa Pho and the Kinh. In 2014, Hanoi to Lao Cai highway opened; Sa Pa tourism and economy have been developing dramatically...

Duy Phuong: Volatile States

All around us, our landscape is changing. As globalization casts its spores across Vietnam, the cities face the threat of losing their individuality in the process. Destruction shadows the course of construction, upheavals accompany installations, and buildings blossom overnight. The incessant replenishing of our environment results in the formation of...