Gokce Erenmemisoglu: Egg Yolk

Says Gokce: In Egg yolk series, I wanted to play with figures, textures, and shapes freely in a way that I could sort of mislead the viewer’s perception. I used my still-life photographer reflexes with food photography. This “Egg Yolk” series of mine is a result of this. Egg yolk...

Pedro Aguilar: Bang!

Pedro Aguilar is a London-based professional photographer. Awards include CDEC (Spanish Creative Award) and EPICA and he's been included  in Luezer's Archive Best 200 Advertising Photographers Worldwide. Recent clients include Unilever, Nespresso, Bulgari, Levi's and Nike. Photos in Bang! series are created by detonating explosive charges filled with powdered pigments....

Interview with Advertising photographer Malou Reedorf

Malou Reedorf (25) is a young photographer originally from Denmark that is now living part time in Italy, and despite of her young age she has won numerous titles and awards (see below). Her studios, based in Italy close to the fashion capitol Milan and right in the center of...

PhotoBiography: Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz (born October 2, 1949) is an American photographer. She is best known for her portraits of political figures, musicians and athletes, all of which are featured regularly in magazines, fashion, and advertising. Many of Leibovitz's portraits of rock music celebrities have become signature images. A notable example is...