Says Pedro: The series Cosmic Dinner it’s a multidisciplinary project that unites concepts from photography and painting. My most consistent interest in all my photographic creations is the transformation of reality. Black ink is the basic tool of many of my works, it can create a reality on a sheet of paper or transform the real world in a different reality and light is a way to dematerialize space so common objects of daily life can become something else.
This project began as a series of explorations of ink over varied materials and the study of the patterns and textures that result according to the distinct surfaces. In this series the object photographed is a wet ceramic dining plate with Indian ink applied in different ways to its surface. It’s vitreous coating and round shape create the perfect conditions so that the artist can draw over the plate and nature enriches the drawing with textures, depth and gradients and fits the ink to its circular mold. The transformation of the object occurs when the photo is taken in negative and the white plate now becomes an immense empty space inhabited by a celestial body suggested by the ink.
The celestial imaginary in this series is a common element in my work. These images show us many possibilities, many realities that are unknown that hide answers to questions that humans have searched since ancient times.This project achieves to remind its viewers of when man reunited at night to search for answers in the stars, the meaning of death and life, the meaning of what is real and what is not, we forgot that it’s not necessary scientific proof of something to have an answer, we stopped thinking in what science can’t explain and simply accepted that we can’t comprehending reality so it’s not worth speculating about it. But more than science, people need the right space and time to find answers from within, This project tries to create that kind of environment and remind the viewers of their own littlness.

Pedro Soares – Portuguese artist, graduate in Multimedia Art since 2015 by the University of Lisbon’s School of Fine Arts. Studied and practiced many different mediums of expression like photography, drawing, acting, performance and animation.