Define exactly what a city signifies is very complicated. The reason is that human habitat is basically instable. Cities are in an ever occurring mutation. We know in every moment that we are urged by the consequences a good or bad architectural environment produces on us: if it didn’t have any effect, it would be just neutral, therefore ‘powerless’. We are constantly in the pursuit of the right place that makes us happy.
‘Buffetto all’italiana’ aims to focus our attention on locations; it is a nice, gentle flick from eyes which have carefully witnessed an Italian landscape, almost entirely artificial by now.
Luca Marianaccio was born in Agnone in 1986. He is an architect, and in 2012 he started working with photography. His artistic search looks into contemporary landscape changes, with a special attention to new human anthropology phenomena, focusing on natural and artificial places, and on aspects connected with everyday life. He works creating image files always increasing, about different human activities and new landscapes, trying to prove situations where the boundaries between fake and reality get thinner and thinner, and start to become invisible. He has realized many projects in many European cities. For some time, he has worked on reality connected to the belonging region, but he still continues following projects outside Italy.