About her work Julianne says: This work has multiple layers to it, physically and conceptually. At first look the images are very beautiful renditions of flora with some very overt use of computer editing softwares to degrade them. Initially inspired by attempting to understand where computer vision falls apart, in hopes of the viewer questioning their own sight, these images are thrown through algorithms such as focus stacking, purposefully used counter-intuitively to break down visual planes. As I continued to work through the images, I found myself continually drawn specifically to flowers and thus the abstraction of them in photographic space; through this process I realized the impetus to do so was a mourning process over the death of someone very close to me. Thus, began my digital renditions of momento-mori still lives in which I play with 2D3D objects in space, and the ways in which the pixels blend together.
Julianne Nash (b. 1991, Massachusetts) is a New York City based photographer. She is currently pursing an MFA in Photography Video and Related Media at the School of Visual Arts, where she has been awarded the Assistantship Scholarship. Julianne received her BFA in Photography from Massachusetts College of Art and Design with Departmental Honors in 2013. Her work has most notably been exhibited in The Magenta Foundation’s Flash Forward Festival, and at the Photographic Resource Center in Boston, MA. Most recently, Julianne exhibited her work at the Emerging Artist Juried Exhibition at the Drawing Room Gallery in Cos Cob, CT. She is currently the Director of Operations at Collection Dancing Bear, W.M. Hunt, and is the assistant to Angela Strassheim.
Website: juliannenash.com