Rashmi Bhargava: Cyanotype

Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print. Engineers used the process well into the 20th century as a simple and low-cost process to produce copies of drawings, referred to as blueprints. The process uses two chemicals: ammonium iron(III) citrate and potassium ferricyanide. Rashmi Bhargava created a...

Julia Borissova: Dimitry

Myth feeds people's minds. Roland Barthes says, "...since myth is a type of speech, everything can be a myth provided it is conveyed by a discourse. Myth is not defined by the object of its message, but by the way in which it utters this message: there are formal limits...

Patricia Ackerman: Intercepted Spaces

About her "Intercepted Spaces" project Patricia Ackerman says:  The architecture is defined as the art of projecting spaces, spaces in which the human being lives, but it is on the outside where it carries most of its activities, it is for this reason that the man has been dedicated to finding...

Rafal Michalak: Shame

SHAME is a photographic series of a performative and experimental character. In his works the author explores psychological and emotional aspects of a human being seeking their own identity in the ever-changing world. He is particularly interested in the phenomenon of psychological transgression as the tendency to expand and to...

Michael Jantzen: Interventions

Interventions is a series of photomontages from Michael Jantzen that are created with images of some of his built and un-built structures. These images are superimposed into various real world landscapes in order to inspire stories in the minds of the viewers, about what these things are, and how they...

Baerbel Reinhard: Space Equal to Itself Which Rises or Denies Itself

space equal to itself which rises or denies itself Mallarmé “Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne-Atlas is an unfinished attempt to map the pathways that give art history and cosmography their pathos-laden meanings. Warburg thought this visual, metaphoric encyclopedia, with its constellations of symbolic images, would animate the viewer’s memory, imagination, and understanding...

Julien Coquentin: Black Seasons

About Black Seasons series says Julien: I do not know when exactly this series started. Without a doubt not in the first picture. I think all this goes back much further, beyond my own memory. Some images which tumble out: a priest dressed in a long black cape, walking in...

Alexandra Polina: Myths, Masks and Subjects

The protagonists of the photo series are members of visible minorities who were born, raised and educated in Germany. These images deal with a social gap created by prejudiced stigmatized view and use clichéd folkloric settings and common stereotypes to question it. The result is a collage of individual experiences, based...

Rina Vukobratovic: Haiku Moment

One of the basic elements of poetic expression in haiku poems is an image, an outline that directly expresses the moment of experiencing the world by itself. Haiku and photography are instruments of acquiring true knowledge of the things. Today we own knowledge about the words and images so we...

Alessandro Ciccarelli: Lato Selvatico (Wild Side)

If we look at the latest work of Alessandro Ciccarelli, what catches the eye is exactly the calm attempt to represent an emotional etymology of (his own) wild side. It’s about the images of an instinct, a trace of an exploration and the resulting sensations. They are all frames of...