Alicja Brodowicz: Visual Exercises

“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful.” - Alice WalkerI photograph the human body – the microcosm. Its’ fragments: hair, scars, texture of skin, wrinkles. I am interested in individual particularities; I look for distinguishing features...

Louise Amelie & Aljaz Fuis: Sole Harlem

Sole Harlem. The one and only, unique and pure – just Harlem, and nothing else. The title introduces Harlem as a magical place of longing that only works and lives within, and cannot carry its characteristics to the outside world. The words do not only convey the uniqueness of this...

Mehrdad Afsari: Forty – A Treatise on Terrene Traverse

This project inspired by an ancient Persian Philosophers: Yahya ibn Habash Suhrawardi's treaties on "Light". Landscapes of different geographical areas in Iran have been photographed with medium format digital camera. Statement of the series is a retell text according to Suhrawardi's treaties: Where these two lines begin is a point...

Juan Carlos: Young Days, Dangerous Times

"In this country young people are like the dawn, they do not last long." -Roque Dalton Nowadays is a menace to be young in El Salvador, the country is living dangerous times due to the gang violence which has had an impact on society for decades. Gangs are targeting and...