Jess T. Dugan: To Survive on this Shore

Representations of older transgender people are nearly absent from our culture and within artistic realms, and those that do exist are often one-dimensional. To Survive on this Shore combines photographs of transgender and gender non-conforming people over the age of fifty with interviews about their life experiences in regards to...

Fulvio Bugani: Waria

In Indonesia, transgender are known as Waria, a term which is a combination of two Indonesian words: “wanita,” which means woman, and “pria,” which means man. In a country with a conservative culture and where the majority of the population is muslim (approximately 202.9 million of believers - 87.2% of...

Bangladesh’s Third Gender

Bangladeshi photographer Shahria Sharmin grew up believing that Hijras -- individuals who were designated male at birth but adopted feminine gender roles later in life -- were "less than human." Their physical appearance, their behavior and their general way of life, she explains, set them apart in her country's conservative...