Julia Abzaltdinova: Noise in the Park

A park as an open grassy green area, designed for enjoying your leisure time, appeared on the wave of Romanticism in the XVIII century. Opened to public city parks appeared in Europe only at the beginning of the XIX century. Parks were promoting the cult of nature, harmony, quietness, seclusion....

Julia Abzaltdinova: The Big Game

National self-identification is a thorny issue today in Russia. Millions of people talk about the sense of belonging to their own country trying to get united into "imagined communities". These communities may have three different mythological images of modern Russia. The first one is the image of the Soviet Union....

Pavel Volkov: Deportation

Nowadays illegal migration from the local issue of a particular country has become a worlwide global problem. Military conflicts, wars, ethnic clashes, epidemics, disease, hunger and poverty are driving people from their homes and force them to go searching for a better life in other countries. Russia faced the issue...

Elena Anosova: OUT-OF-THE-WAY

OUT-OF-THE-WAY project was created on the far away territories of the Extreme North of Russia, where bad accessibility and isolation, special relationship with nature and following the century-long ways of life involve unique mythology of the region where the fictional things are very often more important than modern reality. These...

Frank Herfort: Time In Between

The whole world is frozen in a condition of waiting. The people on these photos seem to be totally absorbed in a deep, paralyzing, enchanted slumber. And we have the uncanny sneaking feeling that this time there is no prince on his way to kiss them awake again. “This moment...

Alexander Gronsky: Norilsk

Norilsk is an industrial city in Russia north of the Arctic Circle. Built in 1935 by forced labourers of the Stalinist regime to exploit the mines of the region, it is now ranked among the most polluted places in the world. Alexander Gronsky was born in 1980 in Tallinn, Estonia....

Anastasia Tsayder: 1980 Moscow Olympics

The series looks at the heritage of Moscow 1980 Summer Olympics. The 1980 games became the last bright all nation event to happen in the USSR, the last big start meant to prove the superiority of Socialist regime and ideas of Communism over Capitalism. Olympic buildings, mostly designed in 1975-1978,...