Michele Vittori: Telepath

At the beginning of the 60s the first civilian telecommunications space station in Italy was inaugurated in the Fucino plain, in Abruzzo, thanks to which the first satellite television transmissions of the most important international events were carried out, including space missions and in 1969 the live television broadcast of...

Michele Vittori: The Mountain of Rome

Says Michele: Monte Terminillo is a massif in the Monti Reatini, part of the Apennine range in central Italy. It became the “mountain of rome” during the Fascism by creating a ski resort destined to the Roman bourgeoisie. At that moment began the anthropization of the mountain for tourist purposes....

Michele Vittori: China Cities

A long trip across four major cities in the north of China: Beijing, Xi'an, Xining and Lanzhou offered me the opportunity to assemble this photographic series focusing on the rapid transformation of Chinese urban territory. The series shows the common profile of the cities, the massive urban modernisation, the sharp...