Stepan Chubaev: Simplification

Says Stepan: Simplification is a visual research in which I am discovering how do different-colored objects affect on the perception of compositions, how do spots determine emotions and how do forms work with colors. The subtle line and the smallest point can make composition static or dynamic depending on where they are appearing in the composition. Each picture in the series marks a new artistic image compositionally or emotionally related to the previous and subsequent. Works are placed in order of recreating the simplified perception, that is why the series is called Simplification. 

Simplification © Stepan Chubaev

Stepan Chubaev hails from the cultural capital of Russia, Saint Petersburg. Stepan became interested in photography and art at the early age. He managed to practise at the Art school, study at the Press Photography Faculty and attend lectures at the State Russian Museum in the evenings while being a gymnasium student. Significant educational background allows Chubaev to experiment with different visual media. He is trying to overcome the cliches and develop unique artistic point of view on ordinary objects. Born in 1999, Chubaev has made some impressive feats as an artist, especially given his young age. His images have been featured on platforms like PhotoVogue, Ignant, The Kunst magazine, Nakid magazine, CICA museum, etc. For now, Chubaev is based in his hometown. He is studying at the Polytechnic University and working on his long-term projects such as Andromeda Syndrome, Simplification and Bewitched which are related to photography, performance and modern art research.

Simplification © Stepan Chubaev
Simplification © Stepan Chubaev
Simplification © Stepan Chubaev
Simplification © Stepan Chubaev
Simplification © Stepan Chubaev
Simplification © Stepan Chubaev
Simplification © Stepan Chubaev
Simplification © Stepan Chubaev
Simplification © Stepan Chubaev

