Says Snezhana: I got to know Sofie, 19 jars old girl with Down Syndrom, in the autumn of 2017. She’d just finished school and spent almost every day on the family estate in Eilensted (Germany). Visiting Sofie and her family for over a year, I experienced their everyday lives; sharing at that time the highs and lows of her first steps into love. Every time, I learn something more. She feels the same things as we do, but, I find, sometimes more intensely. I’ve seen her happy as well as terribly sad. I have met different sides of your personality, which I show in the series “Meeting Sofie”.

Snezhana von Büdingen is a Cologne-based photographer. Snezhana born in 1983 in Perm, Russia, studied Journalism at the University in Osnabrueck and Photography at the Fotoakademie Cologne.
Snezhana lives and works as an independent photographer in Cologne/Germany.