Virunga National Park, DRC. Nov 2016 – this project is on the mountain gorillas of Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. There is no doubt the DRC has a brutal past – it’s people have been subjected to unspeakable acts of brutality over the years. It’s natural resources are constantly under attack by multinational companies, other nations, rebels and countless other characters. But, out of this chaos are stories of success and hope like the mountain gorillas who are thriving under the care of the park. The Virunga Park Rangers and the rest of the staff risk their lives every day to protect these wonderful creatures. Many of have died and no doubt many more will die UNLESS the rest of the world takes notices and contributes to the parks success through donations or visiting the park. This project is intended to offer a glimpse into the lives of the gorillas.
Shannon Witz – wildlife photographer, based in Chicago, Illinois.