SHAME is a photographic series of a performative and experimental character. In his works the author explores psychological and emotional aspects of a human being seeking their own identity in the ever-changing world. He is particularly interested in the phenomenon of psychological transgression as the tendency to expand and to cross the boundaries of individual abilities, overcoming barriers and breaking the established social patterns. SHAME as a determinant of social behaviour civilized norms often stands in the way of human activities. Paradoxically, the boundaries of shame are fluid and constantly pushed depending on the current interpretation of values or definitions of culture.
Rafal Michalak, b. 1971. Lives and works in Wroclaw, Poland. Studied political science and public relations. For many years he has been professionally related to advertising industry and commercial photography. At present he is studying photography at the Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw. In his own work Rafal Michalak prefers traditional, analogue photography methods, which in his opinion are a stronger photographic medium, yet capable of retaining subtle nuances and a multidimensional character of his works. Human being as individuality and its place in the so fast altering world are the key factors of Michalak’s photographic research. His artistic vision is mainly concentrated on women, who – as he claims – are much more intriguing then men – filled with mystery and ambiguity their souls seem to be more complex.