Says Pelle Cass: “This work both orders the world and exaggerate its chaos. With the camera on a tripod, I take many dozens of pictures, and simply leave in the figures I choose and omit the rest. The photographs are composite,but nothing has been changed, only selected. My subject is the strangeness of time, the exact way people look, and a surprising world that is visible only with a camera.”
Pelle Cass is represented by Gallery Kayafas in Boston. He has presented solo shows at Gallery Kayafas, Boston; Stux Gallery, Boston; Frank Marino Gallery, NYC; the Griffin Museum of Photography; the Photographic Resource Center, Boston, and the Fogg Art Museum print room. A solo show “Selected People” will appear in the main gallery of the Houston Center of Photography, Houston, in fall 2011. His work is owned by the Fogg Art Museum, the Addison Gallery of American Art, the Polaroid Collection, the DeCordova Museum, Lehigh University Art Galleries, the Peabody Essex Museum, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
He was Winner: Top 50, Critical Mass, Photolucida, Portland, OR, in 2008 and 2009, and was awarded a Yaddo Fellowship in 2010. He was born in Brooklyn, NY, and lives in Brookline, Massachusetts. He aspires to be a conformist, but has not yet succeeded.