“Are They Rocks or Clouds?” is a research based on the comprehension of something which is so prominent that people can only adapt their lives.
“Nature failure is inevitable,
we can only face it.”
When a natural catastrophe happens we suddenly realise that the environment we live can be dangerous. Collaborating with an anthropologist and a geologist I have tried to face our inability to understand and read our environment in the case of the “Dolomites province” (Belluno, 3.678 km²) where have been quantified 6.000 landslides that could move anytime. Some geologists extend this number to 10.000. Landslides reoccur over time in the same places. In detail a big catastrophic hydrogeological event occurred in 1966 involving the whole province. This event is expected to have a return period of 100 years. 50 years from now.
“When the memory of the previous event starts to be lost
we start to get closer to the next one.”
My work takes place in the time frame before the next catastrophe might happen. In this space I am connecting observation and experience with the memory of previous events questioning the complexity.
“A mountain is too big to be depicted too,
its inner structure is invisible. ”
I believe in turning the environment into an investigation space where different disciplines meet, in order to figure out a way to coexist with our planet. In detail I have been working with a geologist and an anthropologist. The hydro-geological risk does not concern only Belluno or the Dolomites mountains, it extends to other whole country. The comprehension’s issue belongs to all our whole beloved universe.

Marina Caneve (1988) is an artist and curator based in The Netherlands and Italy. She graduated in 2013 from the IUAV – University of Architecture in Venice in 2013 and from the KABK – Royal Academy of Arts, Den Haag in 2017. Facing with changes that are so prominent that people can only adapt their lives, in other words the inevitable, her intention is to reconstruct things that seems too big and complex to be depicted. Her artistic research, combined with a strong planning attitude, aims to the construction of a mosaic of reality and result in the use of several forms of expression, ranging from fine art photography, production of art books and video installations.
Caneve’s work has been exhibited internationally at institutions such as La Biennale di Venezia (Venice), Matèria gallery (Rome), ALT.+1000 (Switzerland), Fondazione Benetton (Treviso), Savignano Immagini Festival (Savignano), Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa (Venice), Centquatre (Paris). She is co-founder of CALAMITA/Á an interdisciplinary platform focusing on the topic of geopolitical catastrophes and especially the Vajont (1963).
Website: marinacaneve.com