Says Zeng: This is a series of black and white photographs, taken in China from 2012 to 2018. What here is represented doesn’t aim to be a simple copy of the real world, it reflects my illusions. I call it the collection of my imagination. I use my way to perceive the world and encounter numerous things which they then become different from what we normally see. In the world I live, I find another world that is unknown to others and only belongs to me, a world that is full of rough and improvisational experiences.
We think that we know the world very well, but the reality is not as real as you can witness. The abundant connotation is covered by the appearance constantly. When we encounter the “real” world it becomes strange. I am so excited when I fall into the depths of the illusion and reality. Only images can combine time and space in a precise moment as if a circuit is connected, permitting my eyes to record. Images are so charming that allow me to have another world, gradually I become very greedy, eventually lost in the illusion created by myself.

Ge Zeng, Member of China Photographers Association,Independent photographer, Artist,born in Guangdong in 1990, now as a college photography teacher,lives and works in Guangzhou,China. Ge won TOP20 Chinese Contemporary Photography Award.He was the finalist of the 2017 Three Shadows Photography Award,2017 Poland Fotofestiwal GrandPrix Award, 2017 Japan Hariban Award.His works has been exhibited in Japan, Singapore, UK, Poland and China, like Singapore International Photography Festival, UK Reclaim Photography Festival,Art book in China exhibition,Tokyo Art Book Fair,etc. Individual Photobook was collected by Shanghai 21st Century MinSheng Art Museum, Contemporary Image Museum of China Artistic Photography Society.