Tortured bodies, empty looks, people at the end of their power, expecting the end of the hardship they have chosen themselves – this is how the atmosphere behind the stage of the consecutive bodybuilding show could be described. This is not a story for the successful sportsmen, taking advantage over their competitors. This, rather, is a story about the tension, about the exhaustion (physical as well as mental) within several months, about the pain before hogging the limelight. (National Competition of Bodybuilding, Youngsters – 25th April, Plovdid, 2015)
Denis Buchel was born in 1979 in Kishinev, Moldova. Photography he has taken up at the beginning of 2007. Various photos have already been published in Bulgarian and in international editions – in China, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Taiwan, Izrael, Italy, Spain, the USA, Thailand, Poland and others. Since May 2014 he has been a member of the Bulgarian Academy of Photography Yanka Kyurkchieva. A FIAP member since the beginning of 2015.