Says Daniel: The quotidian life is more or less the same for all with a few variations. A part of my work as a “creative street” photographer is to bring this daily life into a world of fantasy, something related to abstraction. This creates a duality, a paradox. The paradox of the ordinary life in a universe that exists only in one’s own imagination that can literally be anything but still being able to relate to. For me, photography is a mode of expression in the same way as writing or playing music. Transmitting an emotion is the essence of my photographic work, bringing the viewer into a story. More specifically, to make the viewer travel in a world of reverie, leaving all the space to imagination. Being a creative street photographer is above all playing a role in the urban life framework, contribute to its vivacity, its pace and almost belonging to a chaotic scenario. To me, creative street photography is more than a “picture making business“, it’s being part of a continuous theatrical sketch where I play the role of a silenced character.
Daniel Castonguay – street photographer based in Montreal, Canada.