Precious Things is an ongoing series that reflects on the contours of materialistic desire and its relationship with the pursuit of happiness. Even when less visible, the presence of technologies as well as our interactions with consumer objects is a constant that transforms our living environment, creating new visual landscapes and specific aesthetics that tinge and shape our every day rituals. Steeped in nostalgia, home electronics become the main subjects in open ended narratives that incite the imagination of the viewer, while speaking of closeness, dependence, frustration, and happiness, that inherently relate with objects of desire – our precious things.

Anabela Pinto is a Portuguese artist and photographer living in London. She is interested in the relationship between people and technologies, consumer culture and desire, and its subsequent effect on the aesthetics of our daily living surroundings. Recent donors include being a finalist for the Dior Photography Award for Young Talents and one of the winners of PDN’s Exposure Award with the series ‘Heavenly Palace’. Her work has been exhibited internationally and is currently showing at the Parc Des Ateliers during Les Rencontres d”Arles. She is studying for a MA in Photography at the Royal College of Art.