Gustavo Gusmão: Limbus

”Limbus” which means margin, edge, border, fringe. With this origin, the connotation of limbo is a state of being neglected, forgotten.” The cemeteries of Manila (the capital of the Philippines) are huge communities on the margins of society. With their own structures and manners of functioning, they are home to...

Jalal Shamsazaran: Without Hamoun

Hamoun has been dried and the wind blows everywhere. These days, Iranian people are dealing with environmental and economic problems. Climate changes, drought, reduction of raining, governmental mismanagement and drying the lakes and wetlands are the most important problems. Sistan in Southeast of Iran and in the boundary of Afghanistan...

Lucas O’Neil: The Underground

The Underground is a project in documenting Boston’s independent music community created by the young crowd, hosted in their countless basement and apartment venues. The project aims to capture the subtle energy, the details of what goes on at these events that one can’t normally find at a concert in...

Marcos Goymil: The Metric and The Tear

Through a series of images, this project presents an imaginary return journey to places and objects that we can never see in the same way again. These photographs and installations are rooted in the study carried out by Michel Foucault on Panopticismin his book “Discipline and Punish", as well as...