In order to reconnect with the unknown places surrounding a 90 mile driving route I decided to walk home, consciously following the road route as closely as possible I made the entirety of the journey by foot. The walk, spanning 5 days from my University house in Surrey to my childhood home in Essex would take me through four towns that would be my milestones for the journey and a place to stay.
In order to consider my relationship with these places I wanted to completely exclude everything that encompass’ my car journey and delve into this incredibly slow walk. I used ordnance survey maps to navigate my whole journey and chose not to use technology that may interfere with my connection to these places. It was particularly important to me to take my photographs on a large format camera to bring this inherently slow process together, resulting in a series of nine photographs that question the relationship I have found within these surrounding places.

Lucy Jarvis is recent BA (Hons) graduate of Photography from The University for the Creative Arts, Farnham. Her photographic practice explores psychogeography and the landscape through the predominant use of large format photography that continues to contextually influence her work through its inherently slow process.