Reflecting on the themes of motherhood and bodily fatigue, Julia created a series of works of self-portraits called “disintegration”. For this surrealistic story, Julia created soft sculptures and collages from photographs of self-portraits. The visual inspiration for the project was the work of Hieronymus Bosch.
In her work, Julia likes to raise the theme of the idealization of the human body. According to statistics, about 90% of women are subject to “emotional burnout” after childbirth. One reason for this, as Julia believes, is the illusory perception of motherhood. In her opinion, it is very important to talk about the problems that a woman can face – fear, insecurity, rejection of her body, fatigue, problems with breastfeeding, etc. Julia believes that by raising these topics and broadcasting them in society, you can prepare women for more conscious motherhood, which, in turn, will allow them to get more pleasure from it.

Julia Bezhanova began her photographic journey in 2013, having graduated from the Academy of Photography in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. In 2015, Julia completed the Fashion Photography course at the “Photoplay” school in Moscow, Russia. From 2016 – 2018, Julia collaborated with the publishing house Mark Media Group in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. She worked for magazines (including the cover) “Fashion & Beauty”, “Sobaka.Rnd” and “RBC. Own business”. Julia has publications in international magazines such as Huf magazine, Atlas, Contributer, Purplehaze and others. Among the clients of Julia are such brands as Eloshi, Sesderma, Balkon, Lift, the Nefrit jewelry house and many others.
Yulia Bezhanova is a participant in collective exhibitions, among which “Cadres decide everything” from the Rostov TV channel on TV and RBC and the exhibition of the magazine “Sobaka. Rnd “-” People who changed the city. ”
Julia loves to experiment and mix genres. Recently, she began to mix media, adding motion design, collage, create surreal still lifes. Favorite themes that Julia raises in her art are humor and idealization of the human body.